Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli

Top 10 Women’s Fiction (Booklist)


It was so great to see Serena Singh Flips the Script included in this list on the Booklist site of the Top 10 Women’s Fiction they reviewed in April. The list includes books that “cover hot-button issues, generational stories, suspense and comedy, and grown-up women of all ages, each reflecting the depths to be mined by chroniclers of women’s lives and relationships.”

“Hip, single Serena’s sister and friends are getting married and have babies, so she takes a disastrously hilarious plunge into social media while managing the expectations of her traditional Sikh community.” ~ Booklist

To see the rest of the books that made the list, check out the full Booklist article here.

10 Romance Novels that Tug at the Heartstrings (Publishers Weekly)


Author Libby Hubscher’s debut novel, Meet Me in Paradise, “is a poignant, emotionally authentic story of sisterly bonds and unexpected love.” (Publishers Weekly) Recently, she wrote about 10 of her favourite heartstring-tugging romance novels in Publishers Weekly, including Serena Singh Flips the Script.

“Every single aspect of Lalli’s latest book is touching—from Serena’s struggle to feel accepted by her family, to her strained relationships at work, to the love she let slip away and can’t seem to forget—but the emotional power it wields is sneaky. What seems like one woman’s quest to make an independent, satisfying life for herself is a story full of longing, loneliness, relationships broken and mended. While this one walks the line between romance and women’s fiction, the love story is authentic and satisfying, as Serena realizes that sometimes being strong means being vulnerable and letting one’s heart lead the way.” ~ Libby Hubscher

You can discover the rest of the books on her list on the Publishers Weekly site here.

Make Your Reading List Lit With These 7 Spring Books By Desi Authors (Anokhi Life)


Now that Spring is officially here, it’s time to add some fun new books to your TBR (To Be Read) list! Anokhi Life posted a list of 7 books, including Serena Singh Flips the Script, that they recommend for everyone’s Spring Reading list.

You can check out the full list on the Anokhi Life website. Which books are you looking forward to the most this Spring?

Priyanka Chopra recommends Serena Singh Flips the Script

Priyanka Chopra just recommended my book!


Can you tell I’m excited about this one? As I posted on Twitter: “Priyanka Chopra just recommended my book on her Instagram and there will be no chill in the Lalli family ever again.”

Yes, that’s right – PRIYANKA CHOPRA recommended my latest book, Serena Singh Flips the Script in her Instagram stories!!!

You can check out more of the books that Priyanka, an avid reader herself, is currently reading in this post on She Reads.

Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli

Friendship & Family in ‘Serena Singh Flips the Script’ (Brown Girl Magazine)


On March 4, I had a great time going live with Brown Girl Magazine and Ashendri Wickremasinghe talking about Serena Singh and writing.

I’m so excited to share this wonderful review of Serena Singh Flips the Script in Brown Girl Magazine.

“Serena Singh Flips the Script” is a light-hearted yet perfectly-complicated read with several strong characters. It had many relatable laugh-out-loud moments, many cultural eye-roll and deep sigh moments, and many wholesome I-need-to-call-my-best-friend moments.”

You can read the full review on the Brown Girl Magazine here.

Sonya Lalli with her books

On Writing Representation in Fiction (Writer’s Digest)


In a recent article that I wrote for Writer’s Digest, I talk about what it was like to write characters whose journeys mirror my own and how other authors can let go of the burden of representation.

Here’s an excerpt of the article:

About seven years ago, I started working on a manuscript that would later become my debut The Matchmaker’s List. For the first time, I had a protagonist that I loved enough to see her journey through. Raina Anand was 29 years old, and despite her professional accomplishments, all anybody cared about was when she was getting married. Raina was still getting over a challenging break-up and was not ready to move forward. But she was also desperate to please her family, and so she agreed when her loving, meddling grandmother offered to fix her up.

Although Raina was a fictional character, her journey mirrored what I was experiencing. I was frustrated by the societal expectation that, after finishing school and getting a stable job, marriage was the only logical next step. But even though I wrote the book knowing it might speak to readers in a similar situation, it was only after publication did I fully realize that my story was not just about me anymore. Thanks to the great work of my publisher, other people were actually reading it. And many of them were seeing themselves in my story.

To read the rest of the article, please visit Writer’s Digest here.

The Matchmaker's List by Sonya Lalli

Books That Predict Your 2021 According to Your Zodiac Sign (Teen Vogue)


What a fun way to cast your horoscope! Teen Vogue has a great list of amazing reads that take place on New Year’s Eve and Day for you to add a little twinkle twinkle in your life. These picks, broken down by zodiac sign, will motivate and inspire you to live your best life and shine bright in 2021.

I was so excited to see The Matchmaker’s List as the book for Libra!

You can check out the full list on Teen Vogue’s site here.

Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli

10 New Books To Add To Your TBR ASAP (BuzzFeed)


Each week, dozens and dozens of new releases hit the shelves. It’s often tough to narrow down the list of which books to read first!

The writers and contributors helpfully put together a list of some of their favourite new releases, including Serena Singh Flips the Script!

“Serena Singh isn’t selfish, but she lives her life for herself, much to the chagrin of her Indian parents who want her to get married and have children. But Serena is content doing her own thing until she meets Ainsley, a new coworker who she quickly befriends. Ainsley points out that while it’s fine for Serena not to want the same things as her parents, she’s closed herself off and has stopped letting people in. She decides to flip the script on some of her normal behaviors and soon she’s happier than she’s ever been — but change often comes with challenges.”

You can check out the entire list on BuzzFeed’s site here.

Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli

Serena Singh Flips the Script Review (Booklist)


I’m absolutely thrilled to share that Serena Singh Flips the Script received a starred review in Booklist. Among the lovely things the reviewer thought:

“…another stellar feel-good story of a woman learning how to manage the expectations of her traditional Sikh community while living an untraditional life.”

“Heartfelt and forthright, Lalli’s culturally rich work of women’s fiction is exceptional.”

You can read the full review on the Booklist website here.

Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli

Breaking the Barriers of Expectation with Women’s Fiction (The Nerd Daily)


In this guest post for The Nerd Daily, I discuss the expectations women have thrust upon them in their daily lives.

I am in that stage of life where many of my friends and peers are getting married and having families. Before the pandemic my summers were full of weddings, bachelorette parties and showers, memories that I treasure even more now that we can’t so easily see one another. My social media feed is filled – to my delight – with baby photos and family portraits, which I like and comment on without fail. I am overwhelmed with excitement when someone I love enters a new stage of life, or announces a baby is the way, or finds someone to share their life with.

Yet, as married woman in her early thirties, I find myself defensive about my own journey. I have family members, friends, and even acquaintances who seem to be waiting with bated breaths for my next big announcement. I have had several professional accomplishments since my wedding day more than two years ago, but when I call them up to share the happy news, I’ve had to learn how to be careful in my approach.

Click here to read my full post on The Nerd Daily.